In case I haven't mentioned it enough, I'm going to be at the MoCCA Festival this coming weekend, selling the usual assortment of comics, prints, (yes, I should have more
goldfish prints), etc… and of course, the
world-premiere debut of Liar's Kiss!The MoCCA folks seem to have included my name on the list of "special guests" in the
press release, which you might think would indicate they're running low on the "special"… but actually the line-up this year looks pretty great, including Criterion vets
Adrian Tomine, Kate Beaton, Victor Kerlow, Scott C., and plenty more great artists besides. And that's not even factoring in the best part of MoCCA, which is discovering some new book or artist that you would otherwise never have heard of. I highly recommend the whole MoCCA experience.
You can find me at either my own table (E17--in the back, toward the middle) or periodically at the Top Shelf table (J5/K5--in the front, on your left as you enter). Come on by and become one of the first people
in the world to purchase your very own copy of
Liar's Kiss! Come early enough on Saturday and you could be
the very first! I will happily note your copy as such, if it is the case. OooOOooh...
Also: for those not in the NYC area, I'm also currently planning on being
TCAF in Toronto May 7th-8, and
Heroes Con in Charlotte June 3rd-5th, as part of my international book tour! (What? Canada counts!) For those not in any of the above places, there's always
Hope to see you this weekend!
(Above: Peter Kuper's poster for MoCCA.)