Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pre-order this now!

It's already up for pre-order on their site, so I think it's kosher for me to mention here now: I was incredibly thrilled and honored to be asked to help with the design of the forthcoming collection of Eddie Campbell's seminal Alec stories: Alec: The Years Have Pants. It's been incredibly rewarding working with Brett Warnock and Chris Staros at Top Shelf and especially Eddie himself. I'll try to post a more in-depth look at the process of this when it gets closer to the actual release date, but here's a peek at the two editions (softcover and hardcover, respectively) to whet your appetite (and point you towards that pre-order button):

I can't imagine anyone needs my recommendation to know this is worth buying—Graphitti Kitchen alone is worth the asking price, not to mention all the new and previously un-reprinted material—but for the record: these are some of my favorite stories in any medium, all in one place. How can you go wrong?

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